Niky's Digital Garden

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Way In! β–·β–·β–·

To start exploring the content in this garden, simply click on any of the links below.

You can explore notes by clicking on the growth stages of the content below.

You can also βͺ slide the pages ⏩ to see more as you click, or go back to previous pages.

Here is a list of Topics/Index πŸ“‹. This is where new and interesting topic ideas are collected for future exploration

Over the course of the 2 years I will study 6 terms/ modules. Each module is broken down into 6 further blocks.

This is where you can find what I am learning about in my first term/ MSc block.

I hope to eventually build a Toolshed βš’οΈ, containing practical resources you can download use to help you and others flourish.

Occasionally, I might get a bit of a bee in my bonnet about something slightly off topic, or that doesn't fit in here. You will be able to find any content like that in my bee-hive 🐝